1) What time does church and Sunday School start?
Sunday School starts at 9:30 am
Church service starts at 10:30 am.
Evening Bible Study starts 6 pm.
2) How do I contact the pastor of the church?
Call: William (Bill) P. Geurin at 620-874-8395
3) Is there a nursery available?
Yes, it is available for children age birth to 3 years-old. The nursery is available during Sunday School and the church service. The nursery is located in the foyer area of the church.
4) Is there something for my older children during church?
There are activity bags available in the church foyer in the blue tub to help occupy the children during church.
5) What about Communion?
We welcome all believers in Christ to participate in communion. You do not have to be a member of our church. We have Communion on the first Sunday of the month. We receive the bread and take it together. Then receive the juice and drink it together.
6) Are there any standing activities in the church?
The first Sunday of the month we invite you to join us for breakfast prior to Sunday School about 9 am
Sunday School starts at 9:30am.
There is a Sunday night Bible study at 6:00pm
If there is a lunch we will not have breakfast that week (see lunch)
-Each quarter there is a carry-in lunch. Everyone is very welcome. The months of the quarterly lunch are as follows:
March June
September December
7) What if I have a prayer request or praise to share?
We take prayer requests and praises prior to our congregational prayer time.
You may also contact the pastor for any prayer requests or Email at gfc@wbsnet.org
We have a time for specials. If you would like to share something please let Karen Hess know or just share when the worship leader announces it is time for specials.
9) What if am new and don’t know the people in the church?
We welcome all new people and would love for you to come and join us and then return. Any of our families would be glad to show you around the church and answer any of your questions.
10) Is there anything else I should know about the church?
We want you to hear the message from the Word of God and that of Jesus Christ, and we want you to feel welcome each time you are here.
11) How can I keep up on things going on in the church?
We participate in One Call Now. This will send you and update or change of schedule and or a prayer request. If you would like to be apart let us know.